Monday, July 17, 2006


Ngun ri massacre

U.S.A should settle a historic debt of Korea's division by purchasing procucts form Kaesong

According to culture daily newspaper,a congressman Kim said,"if there had been no WWⅡ,there had been no division of Korean peninsula, and if there had been no division,we would have had no need to construct Kaesong IndustrialRegion.Kim also said, according to the paper, that U.S.A could settle the historical debt by American nationals purchasing products of Kaesong Industrial Region,and we hoped that we could confirm their sincere attitude toward peace of Korean peninsula.

同紙はまた、金議員が「米国国民が開城工業団地の製品を購入することによって韓半島(朝鮮半島)に対する歴史的負債を清算し、韓国国民が韓半島の平和定着に対する米国の真摯な姿勢が確認できることを期待する」と述べたことを報じた。 2006/07/12 朝鮮日報


The former chairman,鄭 said on 17th,"Those countries who are r responsible for the division of Korean peninsula should support the unification of Korea.""The division began with the divided occupation by the U.S. and Russian after WWⅡ,and that was the result of colonization under Japanese rule.

鄭前議長は17日、「南北分断の責任がある韓半島(朝鮮半島)周辺の4大国は統一に向けて支援するべきだ」と述べた。鄭前議長はこの日、「韓半島の平和と反映」と題した講演(ベルリン自由大学東アジア研究所主催)で、「韓半島の分断は第2次大戦後の米国とソ連による韓半島分割占領に始まったもので、その発端は日本の植民地支配にある」と指摘した 2006/07/18朝鮮日報



although he did not specifically mention President George W. Bush, seemed to have the impression the Bush administration sees the North Korean problems within the concept of ``good and evil.''

``(America, or Bush) sees the North Korean problems within the concept of good and evil, which makes it even harder for me to persuade,''Korea times


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