Sunday, July 01, 2007

Shit stopped a train

The stool was spread out on the rapid train of JR Koube line, It was scattered over five cars. It was cleared but the smell remained so badly that the train had to stop for a while at Koube station. It affected about 4000 people. Despite the fact 1200 passengers were on the train, there was no witness. The police concluded that this was not the case of a crime. It is most likely that a person could not help it on the way to the restroom of the rear vehicle. According to JR Koube, it was exceptional case that a train was stopped running by the stool.


 JR神戸線の新快速電車車内で1日朝、5両にわたって床に大便が散乱しているのが見つかった。JR西日本は途中駅で片付けたが、においは消えず、神戸駅で急きょ運転を休止。後続の電車を含め約4000人の足に影響が出た。約1200人が乗車していたにもかかわらず、目撃情報はなく、同社は事件性はないと判断。後部車両のトイレに向かった乗客が途中で我慢できなくなり、立ち去った可能性が高い。同社によると、大便が原因の運休は極めて異例という。2007年7月2日Nikkan sport

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