Friday, February 24, 2006

High status Koreans and pro-Japanese under Japanese rule----Korea

For Korean historians, the colonial period is both too painful and too saturated with resistance mythologies that cannot find verification in any archive. North Korea has concocted whole tapestries of events that exist only in the hagiography of Kim Il Sung..In the South one particular decade---that between 1935 and 1945---is an empty cupboard:millions of people used and abused by the Japanese cannot get records on what they know to have happened to them ,and thousands of Korean who worked with the Japanese have simply erased that history as if it had never happened. Even lists of officials in local genealogical repositories (country histories, for example) go blank on this 139/Korea's Place in the Sun by Bruce Cumings


The Korean royalty was incorporated into the Japanese royalty during the Japanese
A marquis侯爵

An earl伯爵
A viscount子爵
李完鎔 /李埼鎔/朴齊純/高永喜/趙重應/閔丙奭 /李容稙 /金允植 /權重顯 /李夏榮/
李根澤 /宋秉畯 /任善準/李載崑 /尹徳栄(尹德榮)/趙民熙 /李秉武/李根命/閔泳奎/
閔泳韶 /閔泳徽/金聲根 /
A baron男爵
尹用求/金奭鎭/韓昌洙/李根湘/朴齊斌 /成岐運 /金春熙 /趙同熙 /朴箕陽/金思濬
張錫周 /閔商鎬 /趙東潤 /崔錫敏/韓圭咼/南廷哲/李乾夏/李容泰/閔泳綺 /李鍾健
李鳳儀/尹雄烈/李根澔 /鄭洛鎔 /閔種默/李載克/李允用/李正魯/金永哲/李容元
金宗漢/趙鼎九/金鶴鎭 /朴容大/金思轍/金炳翊 /李胄榮/鄭漢朝/閔炯植/洪淳馨
兪吉濬 /閔泳達/趙慶鎬 /

Note that the son of King,李垠 married 梨本宮方子,Japanese imperial highness queen.
She adopted Korean name 李方子(Yi, panja?)
the photo
Can you imagine Indian nobel man marrying English noble woman under English colonization?

Park Choon-Geum (박춘금, 朴春琴) was the first Korean to be elected into the House of Representatives in 1932, and re-elected in 1938. Several members of the Korean Royalty were appointed to the House of Peers (貴族院) including Park Young-Hyo (박영효, 朴泳孝) in 1932. 38 Koreans were elected into local assemblies in

From 1910 to 1935, out of tatal number of 125 governers, 49 were Koreans.
Under these governers, Japanese officials as well as Koreans worked.

Hong Shi-Yok (洪思翊), a lieutenant general. Park Chung Hee (朴正熙; 박정희),Lieutenant were famouse soldiers, under whom Japanese soldiers took orders.

Can you imagine that an Indian soldier ordered Engllish soldier in the troop during the colonization period?

There were many Korean principals and teachers in Korea.

And the link 2005 YonhapNewsis the list of pro-Japanese.It is written in Korea.It says they've found more than 3000 pro-Japanese.That is huge number to me.And it seems that they were intellectuals and talented people in that era.If they include layman, the number will drastically increase.
I don't know the criteria, but as I showed in another place, 300000 young men filled out applications for Japanese army.They did not have to, and actually there were many who did not apply.But again it is the fact that more than 300000 people volountarily applied for it.They were nobody but pro-Japanese in my opinion.If Koreans accuses pro-Japanese under Japanese rule,and it seems they were accusing,[1] probably they have to accuse mojority of thier grandparents.I just do not understand what they are doing for.


As of March 2nd 2004, it’s illegal in South Korea to be friendly to those “Imperialist Japs” (帝強制占領下反民族行為の真相糾明に関する特別法 in Korean 친일진상규명법) and as of December 8th 2005, said “Jap Lover”’s properties and decendents properties can be seized by the government (親日反民族行為者財産帰属特別法)だりん親日反民族行為者財産帰属特別法친일진상규명법日帝強占下反民族行為真相究明特別法

the list of pro-Japense Korean


In general the communists were not steadfast fighters against the Japanese. In the early 1930s every Korean communist intellectual without exception signed a declaration renouncing communism and pledging support for the emperor, and many became very prolific propagandists for Hiro. Some of these collaborators (eg Song Yeong) scampered so fast up to Pyongyang precisely because they were being run out of Seoul. The Chondogyo followers, the Christians, the nationalists did not have sterling histories of resistance either, but taken as a group their record is better than that of the commies - presuming, of course, that there were any real communists in the true sense of the term during the colonial period (which Scalapino and Lankov both doubt).montclaire @ September 16th, 2006 at Marmot

see alsoDoes it matter?

件名標題(日本語) 朝鮮人又ハ台湾島人ハ判事検事其ノ他ノ内地官吏ニ任用スルコトヲ得ルモノトス
階層 国立公文書館>内閣>公文類聚>官職>公文類聚・第三十九編・大正四年・第七巻・官職門六・任免~雑載

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資料作成年月日 大正04年07月24日
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内容 司甲一〇 官職 大正4年7月24日 内閣書記官長 内閣書記官 7月24日 内閣書記官長 司法次官宛 回答 本年3月6日職一第一八一号ヲ以テ照会ノ趣了承右ハ朝鮮人又ハ台湾 ハ判事檢事其ノ他ノ内地官吏ニ任用スルコトヲ得ルモノト思考ス 法制局

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