Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Kyodo) _ U.S. House of Representatives Agriculture Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte criticized Japan on Tuesday and hinted at slapping sanctions on it for reimposing an import ban on U.S. beef, saying the United States would not stop automobile imports just because of defective parts.
"Their closing their entire market...would be like the United States saying to the Japanese, we're closing our entire market to Japanese...automobiles because we find...some defective brakes, defective steering columns, other defective things," Goodlatte told reporters after meeting a visiting delegation of the main opposition Democratic Party of Japan.


"They shouldn't have done it," said Tim Wilhelm, part owner of the Tulia Livestock Auction and a cattle producer in the Texas Panhandle. "I can't believe they did that. They need to be more careful." The news angered producers at Harris Ranch in Coalinga, California, which says it sent the first shipment of U.S. beef to Japan six weeks ago.


"You get geared up for that, and then to find out that the market is temporarily taken away because someone from New York state with a small shipment messed up well, it's disheartening, frustrating and maddening," said Bruce Berven, the company's vice president of marketing. Kathleen Kelley, a rancher from Meeker, Colorado, and a member of R-CALF Stockgrowers of America, said the incident suggests that enforcement by the Agriculture Department is inadequate.

maddening という部分で狂牛病の影響では?とつっこんだらもっと怒るでしょうね。

"Our constituents are losing patience and the Congress is losing patience," Goodlatte said. "Enough is enough."


The U.S. Congress "is very tired of having to deal with this bureaucratic, protectionist matter that is using alleged public health concerns in Japan as a pretext for what is clearly protectionist for Japanese beef producers,"


pro·tec·tion·ism (prə-tĕk'shə-nĭz'əm)

The advocacy, system, or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting, as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services

Australia benefiting from Asian ban on US beef
21/05/2004 - An Australian beef industry leader has indicated that the Australian beef sector is riding a short-term boom following a series of bans on US beef exports to major Asian markets.


で、ヨーロッパではこの件に関してどうかと調べてみると ーーーそもそそも成長ホルモン使用で米国産牛肉は禁止されていた!!
The European Economic Community banned hormone-raised meat because of questions on the dangers of meat that has been treated with synthetic sex hormones. European consumers pressured the EEC to take this action to protect their health


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