Monday, October 30, 2006

Should Japan go nuclear?

Ito Kan thinks so. In his book "China's nuclear will control the world" he argues:
1 China will economically and militarily will be the equal power to the US in 2020 and China will take the hegemony in Asia .(It is wrong, like some of Japanese "wishful thinkers" , to consider China will collapse. China has the hidden ambition and China has politics and technology and patience to achieve it.)

2 Japan needs to go nuclear to counter it if she does not wants to go under Chinese rule because
(1) Neither MDsystem* nor nuclear umbrella will be of help to Japanese security;for, the effectiveness of the MD system is doubtful and no country bothers to launch a nuclear weapon,risking the huge cost. just because the ally was attacked by a nuclear weapon.
(2) Under the circumstance where Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is not functioning since there is no sign that the NPT-recognized nuclear weapon states will go nonnuclear, it is useless, unrealistic and hypocritical to say it is against the spirit of the treaty to go nuclear.
(3)It will be much cheaper than MD system.

3 Though Japan-US alliance is important, don't trust the Democratic Party in the US too much; China has had traditionally strong influence over it.

*Related links
A Far-Off Dream?
Two successive failures reflect vulnerabilities in US missile defense effortRude awakening to missile-defense dream
Missile-Defense System Critic Ted Postol Says He's A Target
この本はお薦めです。てか、今日買ってさっき読み終わったばかりですが、単なる右翼でも左翼思想でもありません。上記に紹介した以外にも面白い論点が沢山あります。右翼といえば、この前日米開戦の真実 大川周明著『米英東亜侵略史』を読み解くも本屋でみかけたときは右翼の雄叫びかとも思いましたが読んでみると著者の冷静な読解により現代にも活かせる内容になって大変面白かったです。ついでに、昨日読んだ本で戦争の日本近現代史―東大式レッスン!征韓論から太平洋戦争までもその時代に生きた人の認識に即した歴史の読解がまあまあ面白かったってところでしょうか。著者はちょっぴりフーコーを意識しているようです。日米開戦について他に沢山著書もあるからといって著者が手をつけなかったのは残念。


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've read the book. It was really revealing.

Anonymous said...
