Isomura Eiichi国を憂い、われとわが身を甘やかすの記(魚拓)
When the war ended, I was the director of public relation in Tokyo
and was ordered by GHQ to do the job of providing "service" . An order of a conqueror was absolute. I was ordered to construct houses for military officers , to do that, I had to confiscate the western style toilets from Japanese house.
On the Christmas eve, I was called on by an officer of GHQ and ordered to report the situation of Yoshiwar, red-light district. Of course, the district was burned to the ground. I was ordered to recruit women and construct houses for GIs. The order was to construct RAA. At first I thought it was something for an indoor athletic place, but it was for " Yoshiwara" as it used to be.
It was Japanese administration's policy at the time for women and children to disperse from Tokyo into rural areas, so labor force was definitely in short. Besides, I used to tell people that foreign soldiers were beasts:naturally, it was hard for me to recruit women to provide such "service"
However among civilians, there was absolute lack of foods and there was a rumor that
a woman sold her body for a piece of chocolate. There was little choice but to recruit women who used to live at the red-light district, promising them to provide them with foods. I persuaded them, saying that you would save the virgin of Japanese women----- I am ashamed of having said that to the women at that time and talking of, and standing for the human right now.
I called the brokers and asked them to do the job, saying it would be for the country.
If Japanese government decided to do something about so called the issue of comfort women at UN for foreign comfort women, how would people interpret my word, "it will be for the country"?
I visited an women who seemed to have provided such "service for this article ;She seems to have been recruited by my order, which in turn was forced by GHQ. She asked me if I could honestlly face the past shame, I had no word to that. Honestly I have no word to say to the fact that I brought them to such a situation.
【正論】地域改善啓発センター理事長・磯村英一 日本軍だけでない慰安婦問題
[ 1994年09月17日 東京朝刊 オピニオン面 ]
Mike Honda Double Standard
この磯村英一というひとは1903年生まれ、新聞記事のときは91歳で、46年前のことを証言している。wikiによると943年7月1日の東京都制施行と同時に渋谷区長に就任し、1945年12月まで務めたことになっている。渋谷区長の任にあるものが東京都の渉外部長をしていたとは首を傾げる。 」
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