Thursday, September 06, 2007


Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign master, pain and pleasure.

Contemporary of the maximizing the extent to which people may achieve what they want;we should seek to satisfy people's preferences, page 62 "philosophy of law" Raymond

The pleasure principle and the reality principle are two psychoanalytical terms coined by Sigmund Freud.

Respectively, the desire for immediate gratification versus the deferral of that gratification. Quite simply, the pleasure principle drives one to seek pleasure and to avoid painwiki

Nothing is wrong with seeking pleasure, but something is lost when their concepts of pleasure and preference govern our life.

An older understanding that goes back to Aristotle holds that pleasure is not itself an experience, but something that supervenes upon experience. What this means is that the pleurae we derive from an activity is not an after-effect of the activity in the way that being slightly drunk is the after-effect of a few glasses of wine. Pleasure, rather, is the manner in which we engage in that activity. If I play a game for pleasure, this is to be contrasted with playing for money, or because I am compelled to , or because I can think nothing else to do, and it means I am playing it for the sake of the game itself. page 12 "philosophy of the arts" Gordon Graham

This concept opens up the possibility of our finding the pleasure out of tedious or stressful daily work.

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