Friday, March 23, 2007

Morons comment with sheriff watching it.

Dog meat video has drawn more than 600 comments between morons in Korea and Japan.

Japan probe put it;

At the time of this posting, the video had over 645 comments, most of it vicious and ugly insult-slinging between Japanese and Korean netizens. . The YouTube commenting war between morons in Korea and Japan rages on….

It seems Maromot has drawn also moron's comment, but it is supposed to be moderated by the comment section sheriff


Dude should work on a special where Japanese elementary school kids flock to porn theaters. And, he might also want to show how easily cartoon porn and real porn is accessible everywhere.

Maybe tag a middle aged Japanese man meeting up with a young high school girl. Isn’t that a crime in America. Yup, it is. Yes, I know, it happens in the ROK, too. Happy ?k

Posted March 23, 2007 at 10:11 pm | Permalink

The Japanese are at their happiest when they find something to point a finger at Koreans. They’re cruel smiling little animals.
Posted March 23, 2007 at 10:17 pm | Permalink

The Japanese are at their happiest when they find something to point a finger at Koreans. They’re cruel smiling little animals.

They are the Nazis of Asia. Come with me to a cage in Kobe where beef are stuck to fatten.

Veal endures a similar fate in America, so what?
What fool ever postulated that a hog had a future?

Let's see how the sheriff will respond.

BTW I noticed the comment
jodi......Having said all this, when will the IP ban on my home computer be lifted, Marmot? I think it was unfairly enforced against me. Either that or a troll had my IP in the past thus resulting in the blacklist.

The commenter is very sensitive ,reasonable and highly intelligent blogger whose ability of writing is superb.

Let's see how it will come out.

Posted April 1, 2007 at 8:55 pm | Permalink

Yes, and God’s gift to the Japanese was their buckteeth to fillet fish into delicious sashimi. No other teeth are as good for filleting fish. Also, to the Jews, He gave them extra-large noses so they can tell when their numerous candles start a fire.

For the love of sweet Baby Jesus, I hope this is just a put-on26

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