Mrs Keith.(I picked them up on the site called Naver)
Notice that the clothes they wear , they way they dress are differnt from the style of Japanese.
I think they depict beautiful Korean culture.
The prints are made during Japanese colonization, when some Koreans claim Japan destructed Korean culture.

marriage procession by elizabeth keith 1921.jpg

korean-bride elizabeth keith1938.

new years shopping, seoul by elizabeth keith 1921

two korean children by elizabeth keith 1925

korean-nobleman by eliabeth keith1938

flute-player by elizabeth keith 1927

from the land of morning-calm by elizabeth keith 1939

gong-playe elizabeth keith 1927.jpg

korean mother 1924

eastgate-seoul moonlight elizabeth keith 1920.jpg

court musicians eliabeth keith 1938

country wedding feast by elizabeth keith1921

east gate, seoul, sunrizeby elizabeth keith 1920

a temple kitchen, diamond mountains, north Korea by elizabeth keith1920

a morning gossip, hamheung, korea by elizabethkeith 1921

a daughter of the house of min by elizabeth keith 1938.

buddha's birthday by elizabeth keith

chessgame elizabeth keith 1936

two korean childrenby elizabeth keith 1925.jpg
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