In 1272,Korean king suggested that Mongole should invade Japan.[1}(see the photo)
"My father and I are honored to visit your palace and be given great favour from Your Majesty,We could keep this small country because you ruled our people kindly.
We can not describe how we are thankful.I would like to show my loyalty.That Japan has not receieved your sacred influence of your Majesty.Therefore I prepared troops, ships and foods.It is hight time to use them.If your Majesty give me a chance, I will do atmost to help the troop of the emperor."link
Khubilai Khan, demanded that the Japanese pay tribute to the new Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) and threatened reprisals if they failed to do so. Unused to such threats, Kyoto raised the diplomatic counter of Japan's divine origin, rejected the Mongol demands, dismissed the Korean messengers, and started defensive preparations.After further unsuccessful entreaties, the first Mongol invasion took place in 1274. More than 600 ships carried a combined Mongol, Chinese, and Korean force of 23,000 troops armed with catapults, combustible missiles, and bows and arrows.country-studies
Iki and Tushima islanders,including women and children, were brutally killed.There were nobody who escaped..They forced women to gather, pierced the palm with a lether strap and tied them to the ship. The king of Koryo abducted two hundred man and women and gifted them to the emperor.link
Local Japanese forces at Hakata, on northern Kyushu, defended against the superior mainland force, which, after one day of fighting was decimated by the onslaught of a sudden typhoon.country-studies
Divine wind-Kamikaze blew - --so it was believed.
[Khubilai Khan] ordered 1,000 new ships to be built in Koryo shipyards to carry troops for his next invasionproject
Koryo's King Ch'ongyol, who knew which way the political wind blew in Korea, eagerly allied himself with the Mongols and offered to take personal command of the Office for the Chastisement of Japan. project
The Northern Route Army left Korea in March 1281, with some 50,000 Koryo, Mongol and northern Chinese troops aboard 1,000 ships. The Japanese never forgot the fate of these islands in the first Mongol invasion and defended both in strength. They engaged the Mongols almost immediately after their landings and successfully drove them back into their boats, inflicting heavy losses on the invading troops.
The Japanese fiercely defended their territory and managed to hold Mongol gains to little more than the beachheads at each of their landing points
The Chinese ships under General Fan, crowded at anchor in Imari Bay, took the full fury of the storm. In their panic to get underway, most of the soldiers who managed to get aboard the ships drowned as ships collided and sank while trying to clear the narrow neck of the harbor.project
Divne wind-Kaimkaze blew again ---so it was believed.
[1]高麗王元宗の子、 諶(しん、後の忠烈王)がフビライの前に参内し高麗に帰る際に、こう進言した。
『高麗史 元宗十三年(1272)3月』
『世子 諶云、「吾父子、相継朝覲、特蒙恩、宥小邦人民、得保。遺瞧 感戴之言不可。既 諶 連年入覲、毎荷皇恩、区々之忠、益切致効。惟彼日本、未蒙聖化。故発詔、使継糴軍容。戦艦兵糧、方在所須。儻以此事委臣、庶幾勉尽心力、小助王師。」』
「世子 諶は言った。『私ども父子は相次いで天子の前に参内し、ひときわ御恩をこうむり、私どものような小国の人民をなだめていただきまして、国を保つことを得ました。目もくらむばかりで、戴いた事への言葉もありません。すでに私は連年して参内しております。つねに陛下のご恩を受け、ささやかな忠義をあらわしたいと切に思っているところでございます。思いますに、あの日本は、いまだ陛下の聖なる感化を受けておりません。ゆえに命令を発して我が軍の装備や糧食を整えさせました。今こそ戦艦兵糧を使うべきです。わずかではありますが、臣たる私めにお任せくだされば、つとめて心力を尽くし、帝の軍をいささかでもお助けできますことを切願しております。』と。」
Korea actually did invade, conquer, and steal land about 2,000 years ago when Korea was Goguryeo and China was Tang. Koreans seem to be proud of that single, ancient example of Korean imperialism, too. At the base of the Tangun shrine on Kanghwa Island, vendors hawk buttons displaying a map of Goguyeo with the words "Tangun's territory is our territory!"
Koreans bragging about never having invaded another country, besides being historically inaccurate, ignore the reality that since the formation of the three kingdoms, Korea has never had the means to enlarge its territory through warsonagi
In fact, the only Korean kingdom that faced the type of continuous invasions the Korean psyche imagines is Koguryo, which was invaded some 12 times by China (Sui-Tang) in a period of half a century or so. And the exception proves rather ironic. Koguryo started the entire chain of wars by pre-emptively attacking the nascent Sui for the control of key Liadong fortresses. Won Joon Choe/foreigndispatches
そして、高麗軍は 「二島百姓等、男はあるいは殺あるいは虜、女は一所に集め、手を徹、舷に結付、虜の者は一人も害さざるなし。肥前国松浦党数百人伐虜さる。この国の百姓男女等、壱岐・対馬の如し」
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