Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nanjin Massacre and Mao Zedong

Mao's analysis of Japanese military

Prior to the Taierzhunang campaign [March 1938], the enemy demonstrated the lac of able commanders. During hostilities in Shanghai, Nanjing, Cangzhou,Baoding, Nankou, Xinkou and linfen, the enemy won many battles, but took only a few prisoners and trophies. Five blunders----inadequate reinforcements, the lack of a main direction of attack, poor, strategic coordination, the inability to use opportunities appropriately, and the failure to annihilate more than a few soldiers through having encircled many---demonstrated the incompetence of Japanese military leadership

On Protracted War, delivered over a period of nine days, beginning on May 26, 1938 at an anti-Japanese symposium at Yan'an .

(Mo takuto "jikyuusen ni tuite in Mo Takuktosenshu(Beijin:Gaiko shyuppansham,1968)p 23 in p222
When Sasaki, then the chairperson of Japanese socialist party visited
Mao, apologizing the great damage Japan brought about in China, Mao is said to have responded, "you don't have to be sorry, Japanese militarism brought about the great benefit to China. It had Chinese people able to gain their right. Without Imperial Army, it was impossible for us to gain our own right.

ii)鄧小平曰く、「日本は中国を助けたことになっている。・・・日本が蒋介石を重慶まで押し下げてくれたので、我々は日本軍の占領地域の後方に広がった。・・・・皆さんだけを責めるのは不公平だと思う。」(平成7年6月30日 中国政経懇談会)linklink

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