Thursday, March 16, 2006

Attitudes toward past mass murder.(2)

Suppose your grandfather killed my grandparents illegally .

Now,it is offensve
to deny that your grandfather killed my grandparents, or
to deny that your grandfather killed my grandfather only,or
to praise that your grandfather killed my grandparents legally.

And it is also offensive(--I hope the readers would agree--)
to cliam that your grandfather raped my grandmother and then killed my granddpanrets.
to claim that you grandfather killed my grandparents and my parents.
to use the photos of another murder to prove that your grandfather killed my grandparent.
In a nutshell, it is also offensive to fabricate story granted that it is fact that your grandfather killed my grandparents.

In addition, I assert the following.

It is irrational and anti-democratic
to oppress the activities in which I try to prove by evidences and arguments, that your grandfather killed my parents also. or
to oppress the activitis in which you try to prove, by evidences and arguments, that your grandfather did not killed my grandparents.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.
Noam Chomskylink

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
John Stuart Milllink

a liberal society “is one which is content to call ‘true’ (or ‘right’ or ‘just’) whatever the outcome of undistorted communication happens to be, whatever view wins in a free and open encounter.”Richard Rortylink

What is needed is the place and atomospher to make the free and rational discussion possible.

Moreover, I think you would agree:
it is legitimate to claim that since your grandfather killed my grandparents, your granfather should appologize and conpensate.
it is legitimate to claim that supposing you represent your grandfather, you should apologize and conpensate.
it is legitimate to let people know what happened so that no similar incindent will happen.

However, it is fallacious to argue that since your grandfather killed my grandparents, you should,for instance, give up the land over which we have disputes, or any actions that are irrelavante to the murder.

ignoratio elenchi
Appeal to Pity
Demons, atrocities, and lies

I think it is important to know the truth about the mass murder in the past.Younger generation did not commit the crime, so they do not have to feel guilty about it, and that make it possible for them to stand on the neutral stance.
The problem is that when one identifies too much with his/her nationality, he/she tends not to admit the crimes the past government commited.This tends to happen when the past crimes are used by other nationals to demonaize the country they targetted...My suggenstion is that we study the mass murder of both counties and examine how each government at present is taking responsibility for the mass muder in both countries.Two wrongs do not make a right, but we can learn from the two wrong without blaming other nationality. The ultimate purpose of studying Holocaust should be
to give due apology and conpensation to the victims.
to prevent the similar massacres from happening in the future.
It should not be used as demonizing other nationals or as the means to realize th political ultreior motive.

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