Sunday, August 26, 2012


広東の企業幹部が「尖閣諸島は日本領土」、中国版ツイッターで発言、人民日報記事など証拠挙げ、賛同広がる 2012.8.25 01:14 [中国]
【上海=河崎真澄】中国広東省の民間企業幹部が24日、中国版ツイッター「微博」で「1949年から71年まで中国政府は釣魚島(尖閣諸島)を日本の領土と認めていた」と異例の発言をした。日本領有を示す53年1月の中国共産党機関紙、人民日報の記事や、複数の公式地図など根拠を挙げている。微博では中国国内からの感情的な反論に加え、「知識のない大衆が中国共産党に踊らされたことが分かった」などと賛同する見方も広がっている。  発言をしたのは同省広州の電子サービス企業、広東捷盈電子科技の取締役会副主席との肩書を持つ女性の林凡氏。林氏は微博の運営会社、新浪微博から「実名」の認証を受けており、10万人以上の読者をもつ。  林氏の資料によると、人民日報は53年1月8日付の紙面に掲載した記事で「琉球群島(沖縄)は台湾の東北に点在し、尖閣諸島や先島諸島、沖縄諸島など7組の島嶼からなる」と表記していた。中国当局が監修した53年、58年、60年、67年に発行した地図の画像も示したが、その多くが「尖閣群島」「魚釣島」などと表記。日中境界線も明らかに日本領土を示している。  林氏は冷静に証拠を積み重ねた上で「中国政府はこれでも釣魚島はわれわれの領土だといえるのか」と疑問を投げかけた。中国国内からの反応には、「資料をみて(尖閣諸島が)日本領だったことが明白に分かった」「(当局に)タダで使われて反日デモを行う連中には困る」などと、林氏支持の発言が出ている。  一方、25、26の両日も、尖閣諸島の問題を巡る反日デモが、四川省南充や浙江省諸曁、広東省東莞、海南省海口など、地方都市で呼びかけられており、混乱は今後も続きそうだ。
1953年に、中国の「人民日報」は「尖閣諸島は日本領」と報道していたようです。これも動かぬ証拠?? ただし、私には中国語は読めませんので、どなたか読める方がいらしゃると、自信を持って拡散できそうですね。

Saturday, August 25, 2012


yankdownunder • 6 hours ago − This website has many interesting videos about Japan. You in Japan. AIR FORCE STORY, THE -- AIR WAR AGAINST JAPAN, 1944-1945 (1953). narration starting around (9.50) is noteworthy ... b29s burned out industrial heart of Japan ... 66 principal cities received their devastating bath of fire until Japan's military situation was hopeless ...they could not have held out ...they lost control of the air there capacity to wage war was destroyed ...the fire raids had even killed much of their fanatical resistance(ie.mass killings of civilians) Our Enemy: The Japanese (1943). Stridently anti-Japanese film that attempts to convey an understanding of Japanese life and philosophy so that the U.S. may more readily defeat its enemy. Depicts the Japanese as "primitive, murderous and fanatical." With many images of 1930s and 1940s Japan, and a portentious and highly negative narration by Joseph C. Grew, former U.S. ambassador to Japan. Why We Fight: Prelude to War. ....the ultimate goal of the Axis powers is to enslave the nations of the "free world," a desire made manifest in the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.... My Japan (1945). This a complex and disturbing anti-Japanese propaganda film produced to spur the sale of U.S. war bonds. The film pretends to be a Japanese film. The Japanese powerful commitment to the war is compared to the "lazy, easy living" American commitment. American successes are denigrated and Japanese losses are minimized. The devotion of the Japanese is compared to the immoral Americans. CONTENT ADVISORY: Explicit racism and extreme violence. 0 •Reply•Share ›

Saturday, August 18, 2012

American Holocaust excerpts from the book American Holocaust by David Stannard Oxford University Press, 1992 Epilogue excerpted from the book American Holocaust by David Stannard Oxford University Press, 1992
From time to time during the past half-century Americans have edged across that line, if only temporarily, under conditions of foreign war. Thus, as John W. Dower has demonstrated, the eruption of war in the Pacific in the 1940s caused a crucial shift in American perceptions of the Japanese from a prewar attitude of racial disdain and dismissiveness (the curator of the Smithsonian Institution's Division of Anthropology had advised the President that the Japanese skull was "some 2,000 years less developed than ours, ' while it was widely believed by Western military experts that the Japanese were incompetent pilots who "could not shoot straight because their eyes were slanted") to a wartime view of them as super-competent warriors, but morally subhuman beasts. This transformation became a license for American military men to torture and mutilate Japanese troops with impunity-just as the Japanese did to Americans, but in their own ways, following the cultural reshaping of their own racial images of Americans. As one American war correspondent in the Pacific recalled in an Atlantic Monthly article: We shot prisoners in cold blood, wiped out hospitals, strafed lifeboats, killed or mistreated enemy civilians, finished off the enemy wounded, tossed the dying into a hole with the dead, and in the Pacific boiled the flesh off enemy skulls to make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their bones into letter openers. Dower provides other examples of what he calls the "fetish" of "collecting grisly battlefield trophies from the Japanese dead or near dead, in the form of gold teeth, ears, bones, scalps, and skulls"-practices receiving sufficient approval on the home front that in 1944 Life magazine published a "human interest" story along with "a full-page photograph of an attractive blonde posing with a Japanese skull she had been sent by her fiancée in the Pacific." (Following the Battle of Horse Shoe Bend in 1814, Andrew Jackson oversaw not only the stripping away of dead Indians' flesh for manufacture into bridle reins, but he saw to it that souvenirs from the corpses were distributed "to the ladies of Tennessee.")